


.  Parts of a plant. The stem carries water from the ground and into the plant, The leaf helps produce water and nutrients throughout the plant, The roots suck up water from the ground,The petals is a part of a flower,The flower is a plant that has petals not leaves!

. The five kingdoms.  The animal kingdom is multicelled that has a nucleus it also doesn't makes its own food,The plant kingdom is multicelled with a nucleus they also make their own food,The monera kingdom is single celled with no nucleus they also can make their own food, The protists kingdom is single celled with a nucleus some produce their food and some don't,The fungi kingdom is both single celled organisims which absorb their food and reproduce with spores.

. Vasucular and nonvascular. Vascular plants are plants with stems, leaves, and roots examples: roses, dandilions, and sunflower. Nonvascular plants are plants without stems,leaves,and roots. Examples: moss and liverwort.

. Vertabrates and Invertabrates: Vertabrates are animals that have backbones, Invertabrates are animals that have no backbones. Examples of Vertabrates: dog, bunny, and Unicorns. Examples of Invertabrates: Snail, Worm, and Jellyfish.

. When they eat food or make food it adapts on their enviroment. Sunlight also helps for plants, finding food and water helps animals we are animals we eat what they eat from grass to trees , fruits, vegtables,and fish .

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