
Childhood: Pretty's Got Nothing to Do With It



Since the second wave of feminism women have had the opportunity to work right alongside men.  Women are engineers, mathematicians, professors, senators, doctors, attorneys, and more.  In 2012 every discipline at the Olympics had both men and women competing.  In that same year, 40 percent of households with children had women as the breadwinners.  Women have been told for a decades that they can "do it all," and they have.  

If women have found space within every sector  why do little girls walk into a store and see the toy isle segregated into "boy" isle and "girl" isle?  Even before they can read it's obvious which is which.  The girl isle is pink, and full of toys promoting beauty and domesticity.  The boy isle is blue and full of toys promoting adventure and  often aggression.  They walk over to the gendered section for clothing and the girl clothes are mostly fitted (tight), and often with inappropriate messages. Are boys better suited for adventure?  Do they love to climb trees, or ride scooters, or appreciate super heroes more than girls? Are girls' only thoughts when it comes to having fun only about taking care of babies and baking pink cupcakes? 

Watch the video, read the links, and decide for yourself.


Awareness 101

Description: Miss Representation trailer

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