
Greek Gods and Goddesses




Greek Mythology was said to ba the dark picture of the worlds apart from the stories involved in the Classical Mythology. The study of the way early man looked at his surroundings does not get much help from the Greeks.

The greeks also have their roots in the promival slime. They also once lived a savage life, ugly and brutal. But what the Myths show is how high they have risen above the ancoent filth and fierceness by the timr we have any knowledge of them.Only a few traces of that time are to be found in the stories.

We all do not know when these stories were first told in their present shape, but whenever it was,primitive life had been left far behind. The Mtyths as we a have them are the creation of great poets, where the first written records of thr greece has been recorded. This first record was the Illiad, a greek Mythology begins with Homer, that was believed to be not erlier than a thousand years before Christ. The Illiad contains, the oldest Greek Literature and at is written in a rich and subtle and beautiful languages which must have had behind it centuries when men were striving to express themselves with clarity and beauty, an indisputable proof of civilization.

The tales of Greek Mythologydo not throw any clear light upon what early mankind was like. They do not throw an abundance of light upon wht early Greeks wre like. A matter it would seem, of more importance to us, who are their descendants intellectually, artistically, and politically.

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