
Rennie Harris



(Lorenzo) Rennie Harris is well known today for being an innovator of the hip-hop dance community and an important figure in understanding what Hip-Hop means in society today through realism and history. Born on January 28th, 1964 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rennie was influenced by Hip-Hop at a young age through his neighborhood and watching other kids dancing on the streets. From this, we learn from Rennie not only the technical and concert performing portion of Hip-Hop dancing, but the historical aspects of what Hip-Hop truly means and how these factors into the art of Hip-Hop dancing today.

Hip-Hop should be viewed with an understanding of the aspects of history, sense of culture and where an individual's roots are connected to. In the 70's hip-hop was more of a sense of resistance, meaning that there is always a force that compels an individual to dance and to express oneself. The term was officially created in the 80's when it becomes recognized with acclaim, but before that hip-hop was jut a form of expression and everyday living. 

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