
Product Posters



An effective poster uses a different, visual grammar.Product posters are effective, when attracting large and enthusiastic audiences. It shows, not tells. It expresses your points in graphical terms. It avoids visual chaos, with many jagged edges or various-sized boards that distract the viewer. Instead, it guides the viewer by using a visual logic, with an hierarchical structure that emphasizes the main points.All elements, even the figure legends, are visible from 4 feet away. displays the essential content - the messages - in the title, main headings and graphics. It indicates the relative importance of elements graphically: each main point is stated in large type-face headings; details are subordinated visually, using smaller type-face. The main headings explain the points, rather than merely stating "results" and letting the viewer hunt for - or even worse, invent - the message.


Ginger Ale Product Poster
Description: The product poster would attract people by using the images and the photo it will grab the audience attention.

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