
Rwandan Genocide



Your grade will be based on the rubric posted below.


# Poor Adequate Very Good Exceptional Score
Completion of Webquest Webquest was not completed in its entirity. Webquest was completed. Webquest was completed with additional quetions provided. Webquest was completed and further resources were provided for future study. 2
Questions/Answers Questions were not answered completely. Questions were answered but with no detail. Questions were answered in detail. Questions were answered in detail and were well thought out. 2
Team Participation Team member did nothing to complete this Webquest. Team members worked together to complete the Webquest. Team members worked together well and completed the Webquest and generated good list of further questions. Team members worked together well and completed the Webquest and generated a good list of further questions and provided additional resources for further study. 2
Discussion Student does not respond to questions and does not participate in discussion. Student responds to questions and is engaged in discussion. Student gives detailed responses and responds to others comments. Student gives thoughtful and detailed responses and appropriately responds to others comments. 4

Total Score: 10

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