
Building Character: preparing for a role





It is very hard to assess or grade students and actors on their art.  In the rubric provided I have divided assessment into an evaluation of how detailed the choices were that students made verses if they made the "right" choices.  They can also be graded on how much research they decided to delve into and incorporate in their character back-story.



I have also included an example final journal breakdown for a student who would be preparing for the role of an ensemble "tribe" member in HAIRThis example would use all five previous journal entries to create one solid through line back-story.  I have also attached some research choices that would have helped the actor create their character breakdown.



# In Progress Basic Proficient Advanced Score
Has the learner demonstrated creativity in their character choices by using what he or she already knows from the text and has taken it to a further artistic justified level? The learner is only familiar with the original written text. The learner is familiar with the text and has thought about the character beyond the written lines or given circumstances. The learner knows the text very well. This has allowed the learner to creatively explore beyond the lines and given circumstances. The learner has explored a few character choices but has not committed to anything concrete. The learner knows the insides and outs of the text. The text has acted as a starting point which has informed the learner's creative process. The learner has used what he or she knows and built upon this through imagination and artistry. 1-4
Has the learner connected research that supports their character choices and the project? The learner has done no research. The learner has only addressed topics that are relevant to the production but has done no research. The learner has addressed topics that are relevant to the production and has done research. The learner has not connected the research to his or her character. The learner has been inspired by specific details in the piece and has sought out the research to aquire more information on these topics so his or her work can be justified. 1-4
Has the learner constructed a three dimensional character who has a clear objective and can thrive in the world of the production? The learner has not explored anything about their character outside the original written text. The learner has not explored anything about the character outside of the original text. The learner has pin pointed a clear objective and thru line for the character. The learner knows the original text and has pin pointed a clear objective and thru line for the character. The learner has somewhat explored the character through journaling and research. The learner knows the original text and has pin pointed a clear objective and thru line for the character. The learner has created a complete character breakdown. The learner has answered all the questions in the character questionnaire and supported his or her choices with reason and research. The learner's character fits perfectly in the world of the production. 1-4
Has the learner related to the other information present in the student group work and been respective of others artistic choices? The learner was unwilling to listen and not respectful to other actors/ students when it came to sharing information. The learner was not open to any new ideas. The learner selectively listened to other actors choices and research. The learner has chosen to not let any of this affect their performance. The learner has listened to and taken into consideration their cast-mates research and choices. It has affected their performance somewhat. The learner has listened to others ideas and choices with support and respect. The learner has allowed themselves to take others work into consideration and have tried to find something relevant to their character that was shared by another cast member. 1-4

Total Score: 4-16

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