


Below is the rubric (grading scale) for this project. Please take a look at it to understand what I am looking for.


# Score
Poster Information Poster includes all information as listed in assignment description. Poster includes all but one of the required information. Poster is missing 2-3 required parts of the information. Poster is missing more than 3 pieces of information. 4
Poster Neatness and Grammar The poster was thoughtfully constructed, neat, and without any errors. The poster was thoughtfully constructed, mostly neat or with 1 error. The poster was constructed somewhat neatly and has 2-3 errors. The poster was constructed without much thought, messy and or have more than 3 errors. 4
Images and Creativity Poster contains multiple images that apply to the subject of the poster. These images are neat and visible. Poster contains multiple images that apply to the subject of the poster. The images are mostly neat and mostly visible. Poster contains 2-3 images that slightly apply to the poster. The images are somewhat visible and somewhat messy. The poster contains 1 or no image, don't apply to the poster, or are hard to see and messy. 4
Worksheets and conclusion. Worksheets are complete and without errors.Conclusion is thoughtful and uses a verse to help explanation. Worksheets are complete and without errors. Conclusion is thoughtful, but without a verse to help. Worksheets are mostly complete. There may be errors. Conclusion seemed rushed or without much attempt. Worksheets are mostly complete. There may be errors. Conclusion misses the point, yet attempted. 4

Total Score: 20

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