
Influential People of the Civil Rights Era



You will be evaluated on four different criteria: 1)Describes the significance of the action(s) taken by the influential person, 2)Explains the impact of the important individual, 3)Presentation skills, and 4) Creativity.


# Needs Work Approaching Goal Meets Goal Exceeds Goal Score
Describe the significance of the action(s) taken by the influential person. The action is not described correctly or it is not of significance. The action is described; however, the student does not show complete understanding because the description included incorrect facts. The action is described correctly, including its' significance. The action is described correctly, including the significance of the influential person. Student also explains why the actions were important.
Explains the impact of the important individual. Information is inaccuate. There is no connection between the person and his/her impact on society. Explanation is basic, but fails to connect the full impact on the United States. Parts of the explanations may be based on false information. Explains the importance of the individual by describing the influence of the person's actions and accomplishments on American Society. Demonstrates a full understanding of the impact and importance of the individual. Includes how life would be different in American society without the influence of this person.
Presentation Listener cannot understand most of the presentation. Listener has difficulty understanding parts of the presentation. All parts are clear and understandable. Listener can understand all parts. Speaker uses presentation skills which add emphasis to the presentation.
Exhibit is creative. Exhibit lacks creativity with little attempt to be original. Ideas may be borrowed. Attempts are made to be creative. Some attempts at creativity were variations of others ideas. Exhibit is creative. It includes some original ideas. Exhibity clearly shows a great deal of creativity. It expresses original ideas or ideas in an original way.

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