




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Demonstrate knowledge of temperature conversion Define the difference between degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit. Pack a rain jacket and umbrella because it there is an overcast rain in Germany. Convert the low degree Celsius in Berlin to low degree Fahrenheit. Pack a rain jacket and umbrella because it is overcast and raining in Germany. Also, pack jeans/pants and a sweater or light jacket because you will be covered with that in most conditions. Convert the high and low temperatuers (in Celsius) to high and low temperature Fahrenheit. Pack a rain jacket and an umbrella because it is raining in Germany. Also pack jeans/pants and a sweater or light jacket for Paris because it will be cool, pack shorts, short sleeve shirt because it will be warm in Rome. Convert high and low degrees Celsius to high and low degree Fahrenheit for Berlin, Paris and Rome. 25 %
Demonstrate knowledge of length conversions Correctly convert how far you drove on the trip or Bonus Question: Correct height of the Eiffel Tower. (Feet) Correctly convert how far you drove. Correctly convert the luggage dimensions. Bonus Question: Correct height of the Eiffel Tower.(Meters) Correctly convert how far you drove. Correctly convert the luggage dimensions. Correctly convert the speed limit. Bonus Question: Correct height of the Eiffel Tower. (Feet and Meters) Correctly convert how far you drove. Correctly convert the luggage dimensions. Correctly convert the dimensions of the carry on luggage. Correctly convert the speed limit. Bonus Question: Correct height of the Eiffel Tower. (Feet and Meters) 25%
Demonstrate knowledge of volumetric conversions Correctly convert gas tank capacity, identify how many times you will have to get gas, or Correctly calculate in Grams or Liters. Correctly convert gas tank capacity. Identify how many times you will have to stop for gas, or correctly calculate in Grams or Liters. Correctly convert gas tank capacity. Correctly identify how many times you will have to stop for gas. Correctly calculate in Grams and Liters. Correctly convert gas tank capacity. Correctly identify how many times you need to stop for gas. Correctly calculate in Grams or Liters. Correctly calculate the gas left in the tank after your entire trip. 25%
Demonstrate knowledge of weight conversions Correctly convert the restriction of one piece of luggage, or Bonus Question: Correct weight of the Eiffel Tower. (Pounds) Correctly convert the restriction of one piece of luggage. And Bonus Question: Correct weight of the Eiffel Tower. (Grams) Correctly convert the restrictions of both pieces of luggage. Bonus Question: Correct conversion of the weight of the Eiffel Tower. (Pounds and Grams) Correctly convert the restrictions of both pieces of luggage. Correctly convert the restrictions of the carry on luggage. Bonus Question: Correct conversion of the weight of the Eiffel Tower. (Pounds and Grams) 25%

Total Score: 100%

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