
A Visit to Fedville - $ Makes the World Go Round




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Teamwork & Participation The student shows no work habits, does not cooperate or participate with teammate, there are conflicts with teammate, and does not contribute. The student shows some work habits, and contributes and participates some with teammate. The student shows serious work habits, cooperates and participates most of the time with their teammate, and contributes to the group. The student shows serious work habits, cooperates and participates with no conflicts, and contributes fully to the group. %30
Writing Sentences are incomplete and difficult to read. Conventions(capitals, punctuation, spelling) are mostly missing. Sentences are somewhat incomplete, but the main idea is intact. Conventions (capitals, punctuation, spelling) are somewhat in place. Sentences are mostly complete, and the main idea is clear. Conventions (capitals, punctuation, spelling) in place. Sentences are well written with a well stated main idea. Conventions (capitals, punctuation, spelling) are excellent. 20%
Visitors Log Completion The completion of the Visitors Log indicates the team did not conduct adequate research and did not have a clear understanding of the assignment. No new knowledge was demonstrated in answers to questioning. The completion of the Visitors Log indicates the team conducted some research and did have some understanding of the assignment. Some new knowledge was demonstrated in answers to questioning. The completion of the Visitors Log indicates the team conducted adequate research and did have a good understanding of the assignment. New knowledge was demonstrated in answers to questioning. The completion of the Visitors Log indicates the team conducted superior research and did have an excellent understanding of the assignment. New knowledge was well demonstrated in answers to questioning. 50%

Total Score: %100

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