
TEAM6 Rdg/420 Week 4 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

4 Point Writing Rubric

  • Content: Comprehension


  • Evidence: Details


  • Organization & Style: Clear and Purposeful

                                                   Link Ideas

                                                   Strong Vocabulary


  • Conventions: Expression    

                                    Shows understanding of textual information


# Exceeds Meets Approache Does Not Meet Score
Word Solving Student uses many strategies to solve tricky words and perseveres at difficulty Student uses several strategies to solve tricky words, but may occasionally appeal for help. Student uses a couple of strategies to solve words, but frequently appeals for help or skips past unknown words. Student rarely stops to solve tricky words and either appeals for help or skips most unknown words.
Fluency Student often read smoothly, attends to punctuation, and uses expression. Student sometimes reads smoothly, attends to punctuation, and uses expression. Student occasionally reads smoothly, attends to punctuation, and uses expression. Student struggles to read smoothly, attend to punctuation, and uses expression.
Comprehension Student often stops to think about what is happening in the text and generates questions or ideas. Student sometimes stops to think about what is happening in the text and generates questions or ideas. Student occasionally stops to think about what is happening in the text and generations questions or ideas. Student rarely stops to think about what is happening in the text and generates questions or ideas.
Participation Student actively participates at all times. Student actively participates most of the time. Student participates some of the time. student participates occasionally. .

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