
Healthy Eating


Students will be graded on their group work/cooperation/collaboration, Knowledge of Food Group when Sharing with Class, Individual Planning, and Creativity with Snack Idea contributing 25% each to their total grade. Students are required to work together with their groupmates to become research scientists on their groups ONE food group. Students individually plan to share one interesting fact and one snack idea with their classmates at the end of the lesson. Students will collaborate with their groupmates and each learns one interesting fact on their food group. Students will look at provided websites to find their interesting fact and share it with their class in a group presentation. Each student will also share a creative snack idea using one serving of their food group that is different from the rest of their groupmates. 


# Mastered It Target Goal Minor Errors Unsatisfactory Score
Groupwork/cooperation/collaboration Student participated and talked to group-mates to learn about their food group. Student worked well with others Student could have cooperated with group mates a bit more. Student showed some difficulties collaborating with others. Student showed little to no effort shown in groupwork/cooperation/collaboration 25%
Knowledge of Food Group when Sharing with Class Student learned several new interesting facts about their food group and shared it with their class. Student shared one interesting fact about their food group with the class Student wasn't certain about food group when sharing with the class. Student did not share any information on their food group with the class. 25%
Individual Planning Answers are fully focused and respond fully to questions. Student stayed on-task though-out the lesson on their food group. Students didn't fully follow directions and are missing minor details in their planning. Did not individually plan for assignment during provided times. 25%
Creativity with Snack Idea Student has a creative snack idea that uses 1 serving of their food group that id different from other group mates. Student came up with one snack idea different from their group mates and shared their idea with the class. Student struggled finding a snack idea. Student was timid and uncertain when sharing with the class. Student did not brainstorm a snack idea using their food group. 25%

Total Score: 100%

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