
Civil War: The Country Goes to War



Please see grading rubric for specific grading requirements. 


# Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Marginally Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Score
Social Studies Terms: Civil War Complete and detailed understanding of the terms. Complete understanding of terms. Incomplete understanding of the terms. Terms not understood. 10
Group News Article & Illustration Essay is clearly organized with a logical structure that supports the thesis. Transitions are smooth. No errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. Essay is organized but the structure is not consistent. Transitions are present but somewhat awkward. Few errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. Essay is not well organized and structure only weakly supports the thesis. Transitions are choppy. Several errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. Essay has no organizational structure and no transitions. Numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. 40
Group Presentation All group members participate equally. All group members speak clearly and are easy to understand. Information is presented in an organized way. All group members participate. Most group members speak clearly and are easy to understand.Information is presented in an organized way. Some group members participate. Some group members speak clearly, but are difficult to understand. Information may be only partially organized. Only 1 or 2 group members participate. Only 1 or 2 group members speak and can be understood. Information is presented in a disorganized way. 40
Collaborative Group Effort/Peer Evaluations Completes all parts of the peer evaluation and offers effective feedback and detailed examples. Completes all parts of the peer evaluation and offers some feedback. Completes only portions of the peer evaluation, offers very little feedback. Does not attempt peer evaluation. 10

Total Score: 100

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