
Writing narrative texts




# 5 4 2 1 Score
TASK FULFILLMENT You follow instructions accurately and fulfil the task requirements outstandingly including the rhetorical structure of the text. It should include as much details as much the pictures offer. You follow instructions and accomplish the task requirements sufficiently including the rhetorical structure of the text. However, one or some of the paragraphs are not thoroughly developed. You follow instructions but there is not rhetorical structure at all. There is unnecessary information or lack of development of ideas in each paragraph of the text. You do not follow instructions and do not accomplish the task requirements. There is no rhetorical structure. Too little language to be assessed. %20
COHERENCE AND COHESION Your ideas are logically organized and can be followed easily throughout the text. You show the relationship between sentences and among paragraphs. Your ideas can be followed throughout the text. There are minor lapses between your ideas. Your ideas are not connected and the text is confusing. You use few connectors and your ideas are not clear. Your ideas are not organized logically and cannot be followed easily. You misuse or overuse connectors Too little language to be assessed. %20
LEXICAL RESOURCE You use accurately a great variety of vocabulary and expressions related to topics studied in class. There are minor errors in spelling or word formation (parts of speech) You use some vocabulary and expressions related to descriptions. There are some errors in spelling or word formation (parts of speech). You use mostly basic words generally in an incorrect way. There are errors in spelling and word formation that distract the reader. You use basic and repetitive vocabulary mostly in an inaccurate way. There are errors in spelling and word formation that distract the reader and make the text difficult to understand Too little language to be assessed. %30
GRAMMATICAL RANGE You use accurately simple and complex verb tenses such as simple past and past perfect. There are minor mistakes with subject/verb agreement, word order, and punctuation. You use accurately the verb tenses, but there are some mistakes with the use of simple and perfect tenses. There are some mistakes with subject/verb agreement, word order, and punctuation. You use inaccurately the simple and perfect verb tenses. Word order and punctuation are faulty and interfere with meaning. You do not show any command of simple and complex structures. Use of tenses and punctuation are faulty and interfere with meaning Too little language to be assessed. %30

Total Score: %100

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