
Should smart phones be use In The Classroom?



Below is a copy of your grading sheet


# 6 Points 4 Points 2 Points 1 points Score
Advantages/ Disadvantages of Smartphones States 3 advantages & 3 disadvantages of using smartphones in the classroom. States 2 advantages & 2 disadvantages of using smartphones in the classroom. States 1 advantages & 1 disadvantages of using smartphones in the classroom. States 3 advantages & 3 disadvantages of using smartphones in the classroom. States 0 advantages & 0 disadvantages of using smartphones in the classroom.
Identify 4 uses of Smartphone Identify 3 uses of Smartphone Identify 2 uses of Smartphone Identify 1 uses of Smartphone Identify 0 uses of Smartphone
List of Apps list atleast 4 smartphone apps that can or cannot be used in the classroom with description list 3 smartphone apps that can or cannot be used in the classroom with a clear rationale. list of 2 smartphone apps that can or cannot be used in the classroom with description list of 1 smartphone apps that can or cannot be used in the classroom with description
Give a brief overview of Smart phone? Give a brief overview of Smart phone? Give a brief overview of Smart phone? Partial Overview of Smart phone No description

Total Score: 24 points

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