
Art and Life




Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard

Approaching Standard

At Standard

Above Standard

Takes Responsibility for Oneself

is not prepared, informed, and ready to work with the team
• does not use technology tools as agreed upon by the team to communicate and manage project tasks
• does not do project tasks
• does not complete tasks on time
• does not use feedback from others to improve work

is not prepared, informed, and ready to work with the team
• does not use technology tools as agreed upon by the team to communicate and manage project tasks
• does not do project tasks
• does not complete tasks on time
• does not use feedback from others to improve work

is not prepared, informed, and ready to work with the team
• does not use technology tools as agreed upon by the team to communicate and manage project tasks
• does not do project tasks
• does not complete tasks on time
• does not use feedback from others to improve work

the Team

does not help the team solve problems; may cause problems
• does not ask probing questions, express ideas, or elaborate in response to questions in discussions
• does not give useful feedback to others
• does not offer to help others if they need it

cooperates with the team but may not actively help it solve problems
• sometimes expresses ideas clearly, asks probing questions, and elaborates in response to questions in discussions
• gives feedback to others, but it may not always be useful
• sometimes offers to help others if they need it

helps the team solve problems and manage conflicts
• makes discussions effective by clearly expressing ideas, asking probing questions, making sure everyone is heard, responding thoughtfully to new information and perspectives (CC 6-12.SL.1c)
• gives useful feedback (specific, feasible, supportive) to others so they can improve their work
• offers to help others do their work if needed

Respects Others

is impolite or unkind to teammates (may interrupt, ignore ideas, hurt feelings)
• does not acknowledge or respect other perspectives

is usually polite and kind to teammates
• usually acknowledges and respects other perspectives and disagrees diplomatically

is polite and kind to teammates
• acknowledges and respects other perspectives; disagrees diplomatically

Team Performance

Below Standard

Approaching Standard

At Standard

Above Standard

Makes and Follows Agreements

does not discuss how the team will work together
• does not follow rules for collegial discussions, decision-making and conflict resolution
• does not discuss how well agreements are being followed
• allows breakdowns in team work to happen; needs teacher to intervene

discusses how the team will work together, but not in detail; may just “go through the motions” when creating an agreement
• usually follows rules for collegial discussions, decision-making, and conflict resolution
• discusses how well agreements are being followed, but not in depth; may ignore subtle issues
• notices when norms are not being followed but asks the teacher for help to resolve issues

makes detailed agreements about how the team will work together, including the use of technology tools
• follows rules for collegial discussions
(CC 6-12.SL.1b), decision-making, and conflict resolution
• honestly and accurately discusses how well agreements are being followed
• takes appropriate action when norms are not being followed; attempts to resolve issues without asking the teacher for help


does project work without creating a task list
• does not set a schedule and track progress toward goals and deadlines
• does not assign roles or share leadership; one person may do too much, or all members may do random tasks
• wastes time and does not run meetings well; materials, drafts, notes are not organized (may be misplaced or inaccessible)

creates a task list that divides project work among the team, but it may not be in detail or followed closely
• sets a schedule for doing tasks but does not follow it closely
• assigns roles but does not follow them, or selects only one “leader” who makes most decisions
• usually uses time and runs meetings well, but may occasionally waste time; keeps materials, drafts, notes, but not always organized

creates a detailed task list that divides project work reasonably among the team (CC 6-12.SL.1b)
• sets a schedule and tracks progress toward goals and deadlines (CC 6-12.SL.1b)
• assigns roles if and as needed, based on team members’ strengths (CC 6-12.SL.1b)
• uses time and runs meetings efficiently; keeps materials, drafts, notes organized

Works as a Whole Team

does not recognize or use special talents of team members
• does project tasks separately and does not put them together; it is a collection of individual work

makes some attempt to use special talents of team members
• does most project tasks separately and puts them together at the end

recognizes and uses special talents of each team member
• develops ideas and creates products with involvement of all team members; tasks done separately are brought to the team for critique and revision


# Score
is not prepared, informed, and ready to work with the team • does not use technology tools as agreed upon by the team to communicate and manage project tasks • does not do project tasks • does not complete tasks on time • does not use feedback from others to improve work

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