
Facing the Future with Ray Bradbury: Examining "The Veldt"

Evaluation and Self-Assessment for Learning


Evaluation: During the “Process” section, each student will create a background presentation, an infographic or magazine, and a written response that demonstrates his or her learning.
You should pay attention to guiding questions asked at each step. Your ultimate objective is to communicate your learning about Ray Bradbury’s “The Veldt” in the three forms of media:

• the electronic presentation for the background info (I may use these when teaching the story in the future!)
• the digitized graphical summation of key aspects of the story in the infographic, and
• the written response to the prompt given.

Self-Assessment for Learning: After you complete the process described above, you will complete a self-assessment tool that allows you to reflect on what you learned, how you learned it, and how it changes you as a learner and thinker. For this section, you can extend what you learned to connect it to other texts, other contents, your life, or the world as you know it. You may, for example, want to discuss Maslow's Hierarchy of needs as it touches the characters in the story and their motivation. 


# Beginning Developing Proficient Exemplary Score
Background Presentation Includes half or fewer of the elements; shows beginning understanding of author’s purpose and message Includes some/most of the elements; shows some understanding of author’s purpose and message Includes all elements; shows adequate understanding of what is relevant to author’s purpose and message Includes clear and relevant exposition of all elements; shows deep understanding of what is relevant to author’s purpose and message _______/ 20 points
Infographic or Magazine Includes fewer than half of required elements; may show confusion in communicating important aspects of the work Includes at least half of required elements; demonstrates some understanding of important elements of the work Includes most required elements; sections are mostly clear and easy enough to follow, showing understanding of important aspects of elements of the work Includes all required elements; sections are clear, coherent, and effective in conveying keen understanding of important aspects of elements of the literary work ______/ 40 points
Writing Component Addresses some part of the prompt and shows confusion in understanding of the purpose for writing; writing conventions (grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling) are mostly ignored; difficult to read Addresses parts of the prompt and shows minimal understanding of the purpose for writing; may have several errors in conventions (grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling) that somewhat inhibit understanding Addresses most of the prompt and shows a basic understanding of the purpose for writing; errors in conventions (grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling) are few and do not inhibit understanding Addresses all aspects of the prompt in a way that conveys deep understanding of the purpose for writing; errors in conventions (grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling) are minimal and do not inhibit understanding ______/ 30 points
Self-Evaluation Reflection shows little or no awareness of growth during process, or no connections are made beyond text. Reflection shows a little awareness of personal growth during process and makes a connection to something outside the story Reflection shows sufficient awareness of personal growth during process; student talks about what s/he learned, how s/he learned, and why learning was important. Reflection shows advanced awareness of personal growth during process; student talks about what s/he learned, how s/he learned, and why learning was important; student extends insights, making connections to self, text, other contents, and/or the world. ______/ 10 points

Total Score: _____/100 points



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