




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
- Personal log: contents - Personal log: organization - Personal log: Use of written English - Play: use of spoken English (personal mark) - Half of the answers are incorrect - no attempt to structure answers - Written English is incomprehensible - Spoken English is incomprehensible or not enough is said; text is mostly read from paper - Several answers are not correct - Some answers are missing or in the wrong place - Written English contains errors but is still comprehensible - Spoken English is poor or very little is said by the character; student relies on text sheet often - Only one or two answers are slightly wrong - Log contains all items and is clearly legible - Written English is adequate - Spoken English is adequate, mistakes do not detract from overall impression; student rarely peeks at sheet - All answers are correct - Log looks neat and well organized - Written English is perfect - Spoken English approaches near-native quality; student improvises or knows lines by heart %25
Group log: - Organization - Use of written English (group mark) - No attempts to structure content - Written English is mostly incomprehensible - Some structure in content is present, but the overall impression is still somewhat confusing - Written English contains errors but is generally comprehensible - Overall structure is clearly visible - Written English is adequate, mistakes do not detract from overall impression - Transparent structure, easily accessible - Written English approaches near-native quality %25
Collaboration - During preparation - During performance (individual mark) - Members can't agree on common decisions; some members play no active role in the process - Players are not tuned in to the contributions of other players - Members are able to work together but occasionally have trouble agreeing on a common decision - Players are only sometimes tuned into each other - Members work together with most members contributing fairly - Players are well tuned into each other most of the time - Members work together well and know how to build on individual qualities - Performance runs smoothly; scenes follow one after the other seamlessly %25
Creativity: theme, plot and play (group mark) Theme and plot are absent; activity on stage is confusing; no discernible link to The Tales Theme and plot are not always clear; some activity on the stage is confusing and/or doesn't seem to have a relationship to The Tales Theme, plot and play are well thought out and are related to The Tales Theme, plot and play are highly original and funny, clearly inspired by wit and/or bawdiness present in The Tales %25

Total Score: %100

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