
French Settlement in Mauritius



TotalMarks - 20


Average (1-2)

Good (3-4)

Excellent (5)


1. Content

State the discovery year and the name of the island along with the year they left the island


Mention the Governors� names, the year they came in Mauritius and their contribution along with pictures

List the plants and animals brought by the governors along pictures or otherwise


2. Appropriate use of given materials such as links and pictures


Few materials provided are used

Materials provided effectively used

Materials provided used as well as additional materials used on his own


3. Creativity and Originality

Work unclear and poorly presented

Content presented clear with attractive colours

Content presented mostly clear, interesting with the use of different animations and attractive colours



4. Presentation (Oral - pronunciation and clarity)


Voice level too low and not well expressed

Average voice tone and reading from slide

Good tone and good pronunciation of the words



# Score

Total Score:

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