
Zero article



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# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
How do you understand the information You don't understand what is zero article You understand what is zero article but can not use it You understand what is zero article, can use it,but don't know some special cases You understand what is zero article,can use it properly 25%
How did you pass tasks? You have made a lot of mistakes and don't understand them You have made a lot of mistakes but understand them You have not done any mistakes You have made from 0 to 2 mistakes 25%
How have you passed this test? You have made from 7 to 8 mistakes You have made from 5 to 6 mistakes You have made from 2 to 4 mistakes You have made from 0 to 2 mistakes 25%
Can you use zero article? No,I can't I can,but I'm not sure I use it but sometimes I make mistakes I can use it properly 25%

Total Score: 100%

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