
Voter Participation



Your work will be evaluated based on:

Group Work


# Not to Standard Meets Standard Above Average Exemplary Score
Content Minimal; factually inaccurate Includes essential information; some factual errors Includes essential information; no errors; good subject knowledge Included detailed information; no errors; gives examples /20
Organization and Clarity No clear organization; just random links, no structure Logically organized, answers essential questions Logically organized; uses some type of headings or bullets Well-organized; uses headings; identifies group material /20
Appearance Distracting font and color, hard to read; no graphics; did not do functionality check of how it looks Uses appropriate, readable font, color and graphics; some distractions Uses appropriate, readable font, color and graphics; no distractions Uses easy-to-read font, color and graphics; no distractions; adds value to, and enhances, content /20
Group Contribution Imbalance of effort; wiki does not contribute to class learning No less than 25% contribution from each group member; moderate contribution to class learning Equal (33%) contribution from each group member; moderate contribution to class learning Equal (33%) contribution from each group member; fully contributes to class learning; meets all objectives of wiki /20

Total Score: /80

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WebQuest Hits: 683
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