
The Holocaust: a significant event of World War II



Personal Diary: You are to compile diary entries similar to Anne Franks of at least 10 entries. These entries should cover the major events that occurred during this time. Write as if you are a Jewish person living in Nazi ruled Europe and who survived the Holocaust.  Be sure to include:

1. Hitler�s rise to power.

2. Racism, the Nuremberg Race laws and anti-Jewish decrees.

3. The final solution and how this made you feel as a Jewish person.

4. Concentration, labour and death camps. What was your fate and that of your families?

5. Liberation. Include a reflection of this experience. How does it feel to have survived? What would you like people to learn from the events that occurred? What kinds of behaviour and ways of thinking do you think we need to be wary off? Explain why you think it is important to recognise and prevent events like this from occurring?

At least 10 entries All points addressed. Include the full date on each diary entry.


# Not achieved Developing Achieved Satisfactory Achieved Excellent Score
At least 10 entries, all points addressed. Writing in first person. Free from grammatical and spelling errors. less than 5 entries and points addressed. No evidence of writing in first person. Many spelling and grammatical errors. 1-2 5-10 entries and points addressed Some evidence of writing in first person. Some spelling and grammatical errors. 2-3 10 entries and all points addressed. Writing in first person achieved. Very few spelling and grammatical errors. 3-4 10 or more entries with in-depth coverage of points. Excellent writing in first person account. Minor if any spelling and grammatical errors. 4-5 points 5
Chronology, terms and concepts. Sequence of events are not accurate. Lack of use of relevant historical terms and concepts. 1-2 Some events are accurately sequenced. Some use of relevant historical terms and concepts 2-3 Accurate sequence of historical events with minor errors or omissions. Good use of relevant historical terms and concepts 3-4 Excellent sequence of historical events. Excellent use of relevant historical terms and concepts 4-5 5
Analysis of the cause and effects of the events that occurred during this time. Demonstrates empathy as evident in writing. Very little understanding of the cause and effects of events.Empathy not demonstrated. 1-2 Some understanding of the cause and effects of events. Some empathy demonstrated. 2-3 Good understanding of the cause and effects of events. Good demonstration of empathy. 3-4 Excellent understanding of the cause and effects of events. Excellent demonstration of empathy. 4-5 5
End note explaining importance of events and providing reasons for studying these events. no end-note present or only one point addressed. 1-2 Still developing. 2-3 End note present explaining importance of events and reasons for studying this event. 3-4 Excellent explanation of the importance of these events and reasons for studying them. 4-5 5

Total Score: 20

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