
Let's make Origami



This is the rubric I will use to evaluate your Origami Project. Please study it carefully so that you have an idea of what to be done with the project.

Attached below is a quiz for you to do.


# Excellent Good Developing Need Improvement Score
Instruction The paper folding instruction is given in correct and chronological steps. The explanation is clear and understandable. The paper folding instruction is given in correct and chronological steps. The explanation is understandable. The paper folding instruction is given in correct but a little confusing steps. The explanation can be understood. The paper folding instruction is not given correctly and chronologically. The explanation is hard to understand. 4
The use of terms related to paper folding Enough specific verbs and terms for paper folding are used accurately, meaningfully, and suitably. Some specific verbs and terms for paper folding are used accurately, meaningfully, and suitably. There is an attempt to use specific verbs and terms for paper folding. They are used meaningfully, although not quite correctly. There is no or too little attempt to use specific verbs and terms for paper folding. 4
Video The video's feature is clear and bright enough for the audience to see. The speaker's voice is clear and loud enough. The video does not exceed 6 minutes. The video's feature is clear enough for the audience to see. The speaker's voice is clear. The video does not exceed 6 minutes. The video's feature is not that clear and is a little dark. The speaker's voice is not that clear and loud. There are some noises in the video. The video is a couple of minutes exceeding 6 minutes. The video's feature is not clear and is dark that the audience cannot see it well. The speaker's voice is mostly unheard. There are a lot of noises in the video. The video exceeds 6 minutes. 4
Members' participation Every member speaks in the video in approximately equal amount of time. Every member speaks in the video, but not in approximately equal amount of time. Not every member speaks in the video. Only one member speaks in the video. 4

Total Score: 16



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