
One Moment in Time...




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Caption and Reference States an opinion and a reference is not provided. States an opinion using some creativity and a reference is not provided. States an opinion in a somewhat creative way and a reference is provided. States an opinion in an unusually creative way and a reference is provided. %25
Graphics and Pictures Pictures are colorful but sparse. Some pictures are colorful and appropriate. Most pictures are colorful and appropriate. Every picture is colorful and appropriate. %25
Language Usage Many words are not spelled correctly or used appropriately. Lots of punctuation is correct and sentences are clear and complete. Some words are not spelled correctly and used appropriately. Some punctuation is not correct and sentences are sometimes not clear and complete. Most words are spelled correctly and used appropriately. Punctuation is mostly correct and sentences are mostly clear and complete. All words are spelled correctly and used appropriately. Punctuation is correct and sentences are clear and complete. %25
Neatness Collage generally appears messy and unplanned. Collage appears somewhat messy and unplanned. Collage appears generally neat and well planned, although it may have some messy areas. Collage appears neat and well planned with attention getting pictures. %25

Total Score: %100

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