
Journey of Discovery - The Pacific Ocean




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Quality of Work Team/studentprovides work that usually needs to be checked/redone by others to ensure quality. No information is provided to support subject. Team/student Provides work that occasionally needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality. Information is missing facts or details about the subject. Team/Student provides high quality work. Information provided explains the subject. Team/Student provides work of the highest quality. Information is factual and detailed about the subject. 50%
Preparedness Team/Student often forgets needed materials or is rarely ready to get to work. Team/Student almost always brings needed materials but sometimes needs to settle down and get to work. Team/Student almost always brings needed material to class and is ready to work. Team/Student brings needed materials to class and is always ready to work. 20%
Working with Others Team/Student rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player. Team/Student often listens to, shares with, and supports the effort of others, but sometimes is not a team player. Team/Student usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause "waves" in the group. Team/Student almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together. 20%
Time Management Team/Student rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilites because of this person's inadequate time management. Team/Student tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's prcrastination. Team/Student usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilitiebecause of this person's procrastination. Team/Student routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's prcrastination. 10%

Total Score: %100

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