
The Short Story Elements



# Excellent Very Good Poor Incomplete Score
Characterization The main characters are named and clearly described using variety of direct and indirect techniques. Most readers could describe the characters accurately. The main characters are named and described using some direct and indirect techniques. Most readers would have some idea of what the characters are like. The main characters are named using few direct and indirect characterization techniques. The reader knows very little about the characters. It is hard to tell who the main characters are and there is little or no use of direct or indirect characterization techniques. 25%
Setting Many vivid, descriptive words are used to tell when and where the story took place. Some vivid, descriptive words are used to tell the audience when and where the story took place. The reader can figure out when and where the story took place, but the author didn't supply much detail. The reader has trouble figuring out when and where the story took place. 25%
Organization of Plot The story is very well organized. One idea or scene follows another in a logical sequence with clear transitions. The story is pretty well organized. One idea or scene may seem out of place. Clear transitions are used. The story is a little hard to follow. The transitions are sometimes not clear. Ideas and scenes seem to be randomly arranged. 25%
Sentence Structure (Fluency All sentences are well-constructed with varied and interesting structure patterns. Most sentences are well-constructed with varied and interesting structure patterns. Most sentences are well-constructed but have similar and uninteresting structure patterns. Sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling. 25%

Total Score: 100%

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