


Your WebQuests will be assessed on how well you follow the directions given to you. I will also look at your answers to the questions in the conlusion section. If you follow the directions and steps well you will be able to complete the assignment without missing any parts. When you think that you are finished go through the directions again to make sure each piece is there. The assignment is out of 40 points total. The more acurate, detailed, and creative you are the more likely it is that you will earn all points possible. This activity is to help you remember information that you have already learned on the topic and apply it. This way we will be able to expand our knowledge of area, circumference, perimeter, and volume with success and understanding.


# Unsatisfacory Needs Improvement Very Good Examplary Score
Definitions of Vocabulary No definitions of any word. Some, but not all definitions with some inaccuracies. All definitions, but not accurate, or some definitions that are accurate Well written percise definitions of each vocabulary word. /8
Table of shapes and formulas. Very few formulas (more of the simpler formulas). Looks like no effort was put into researching the information. There are formulas in each block. Not all the formulas are correct and in the right place. Formulas are in the right block of the table. Most of the formulas correct and effort was put into finding the information. All the formulas in the right column for the respective shapes. All formulas are correct. /16
Examples of each formula. There are not examples for each formula that there should be. The math is wrong for the examples that are there. There is an example for most of the formulas that should be on the table. The math for the examples is mostly correct. There is an example for every formula that should be on the table. The math is not completely correct for each example. There is an example for every formula that should be on the table. The math for each example is correct /8
Fun memorization example, Real-world examples. No memorization example. Did not follow directions for the real-world examples. A memorization example that does not completely relate to the topic at hand. Followed the directions for the real-world examples but not well. A good memroization example. Followed the directions for the real-world example fairly well. A creative memorization example. Followed the directions for the real-world example well. /8

Total Score: /40

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