


Please see Evaluation below


# Excellent 16-20 Good 11-15 Satisfactory 5-10 Unsatisfactory 0-4 Score
Content Accuracy All facts in the booklet are accurate. 99-90% of the -facts in the booklet are accurate. 89-80% of the facts in the booklet are accurate. less than 80% of the facts in the booklet are accurate. 20
Writing Organization Each section in the booklet has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Almost all sections of the booklet have a clear beginning, middle and end. Most sections of the booklet have a clear beginning, middle and end. Less than half of the sections of the booklet have a clear beginning, middle and end. 20
Source Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 95-100% of the facts and graphics in the booklet. Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 94-85% of the facts and graphics in the booklet. Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 84-75% of the facts and graphics in the booklet. Sources are not documented accurately or are not kept on many facts and graphics. 20
Attractiveness The booklet has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. The booklet has attractive formatting and well-organized information. The booklet has well-organized information. The booklet's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. 20

Total Score: 80

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