
Fractured Fairytales




# A B C D Score
Technical Aspects Presentation of required number of slides runs very smoothly Slide transitions and animations are very consistent, and timing and order of appearance enhance the presentation Presentation of required number of slides runs smoothly Slide transitions and animations are consistent, subtle, and well-timed Presentation runs quite smoothly and features nearly the required no. of slides Animations and transitions are mostly consistent and suitable Presentation doesn't feature required number of slides Slide transitions and animations are not consistent Timing is confused/distracting %25
Layout Layout is exceptionally creative and visually appealing, appropriate to the message, and uses headings, sub-headings and white space very well Fonts, colour and background are all in harmony and provide a consistent theme and easy readability Layout is creative and visually appealing, appropriate to the message, and uses headings, sub-headings and white space well Fonts, colour and background are almost all in harmony, and provide a clear theme and easy readability Layout quite visually appealing/appropriate to the message, although headings and sub-headings are not always logical, and white space is sometimes too cluttered/ too empty Fonts, colour and background are mostly in harmony and easy to read Layout lacks visual appeal and is sometimes unstructured, or confusing, while white space is not used effectively (too cluttered/empty) Fonts, colour and background lack harmony and text is not easy to read %25
Effects (Graphics, Sound / Video) All graphics, sound/video or other enhancements are used effectively to enrich the presentation Enhancements contribute significantly to convey the intended meaning Most graphics, sound/ video or other enhancements are used appropriately to enrich the presentation Enhancements contribute in conveying the intended meaning Some use of graphics, sound/ video or other enhancements, but they do not always enrich presentation Enhancements are mostly appropriate, relevant and restrained Very few, if any, graphic, sound/ video or other effects are present, or use of these tools is inappropriate, irrelevant or excessive %25
Presentation Excellent integration of spoken and visual presentation Very confident and compelling delivery features frequent eye contact, good diction and limited use of notes Well rehearsed Integrates spoken and visual presentation well Confident and capable delivery features good eye contact, clear diction and restricted use of notes Quite well- rehearsed Attempts to integrate spoken and visual presentation Delivery includes some eye contact, reasonable diction and some reliance on notes Some evidence of rehearsal Spoken and visual presentation is difficult to follow and understand Delivery features little eye contact and/or poor diction with an over-reliance on notes Little evidence of rehearsal %25

Total Score: %100

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