
A Trip Back in Time: Early and Ancient Civilizations



Students will be using the internet, textbooks, and other resources to research early and ancient civilizations.  Students will be expected to select a specific process to be evaluated on, each with a specific set of criteria required.  The evaluated criteria may include; word count, slide count, multimedia usage, writing mechanics, presentation, research and citation usage.

Once you have viewed the rubric and completed your task, proceed to the Conclusion section and answer the questions.  This will be counted as a grade towards you final project.


# Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
The activities for each lesson are completed. No attempt to complete activities. Only a portion of the activities are completed. The activities were complete but lacking in detail. The activities were each completed with great detail. 20%
Presentation Presentation is incomplete or not ready for presentation. Presentation is completed but does not contain the information required. Presentation is complete and has most of the information needed. It was presented in a way that informed the classroom of the subject matter. Presentation is complete and very well organized.It has fulfilled all requirements of the project and was presented in a creative and interactive way. 40%
Participation Student would not participate or attempt to do the work. Student participated in the activities and attempted some of the activities. Participate in part of the presentation aspect. Student took an active role in the activities and presentation. It was clear that the student attempted to complete activities. Student was very interactive. Participated in every activity and took a major role in the presentation. 30%
Accuracy and organization including references and citations Information not accurate and unorganized. No references or citations noted. Some accuracy to information but not complete or cited. Some citations but not done correctly. Accurate information and good organization. Information cited. Accurate information and very well organized. Information was well referenced and cited. 10%

Total Score: 100%

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