




# Weak 0-1 points Fair 2-3 points Perfect 4-5 points 100 Score
After explanation and discussion, understanding of Internet and knows what it is Lack of participation in discussion, student has not developed understanding of Internet Participation is sporadic, does not fully understand the concept of the Internet or personal information Fully participates in discussion adding information learned through explanation %25
After explanation and discussion comprehending the use of the safety measures and personal information Lack of participation in discussion, student has not developed understanding of safety measures Participation is sporadic, does not fully understand the concept of the Internet or personal information Fully participates in discussion adding information learned through explanation %25
Applying the understanding to successfully use the Internet Explorer Lack of participation on computers, has not developed understanding of Internet can not identify icon and desk top without assistance Participation on computer by logging on, needs student assistance to identify Internet Explorer icon, after identification is made clicks icon to reach ‘Home Page’ Participates on computer by logging on and clicking the Internet Explorer icon to reach ‘Home Page’ %25
After explanation and discussion, comprehension of search engines Lack of participation in discussion, student has not developed understanding of search engines Participation is sporadic, does not fully understand the concept of search engines Participates in discussion adding information learned through explanation %25

Total Score: %100

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