
The Canterbury Tales WebQuest



Your project will be weighed as an exam grade and will be worth a total of 100 points.  Use the Presentation Rubric below as a checklist for your project.  


# Exemplary Very Good Developing Beginning Score
Profession Exemplary: includes ALL elements- states job/career; explains tasks involved; discusses importance Very Good: includes MOST elements- states job/career; explains tasks involved; discusses importance Developing: includes SOME elements- states job/career; explains tasks involved; discusses importance Beginning: includes ONE element- states job/career; explains tasks involved; discusses importance 4
Description Includes ALL elements: physical appearance and attire; speech and thoughts; mannerisms and actions; hobbies and interests Includes MOST elements: physical appearance and attire; speech and thoughts; mannerisms and actions; hobbies and interests Includes SOME elements: physical appearance and attire; speech and thoughts; mannerisms and actions; hobbies and interests Includes ONE element: physical appearance and attire; speech and thoughts; mannerisms and actions; hobbies and interests 4
Satire/Irony/Praise Includes ALL elements: stereotypes or hypocrites; identification of technique; explanation of technique; purpose of technique Includes MOST elements: stereotypes or hypocrites; identification of technique; explanation of technique; purpose of technique Includes SOME elements: stereotypes or hypocrites; identification of technique; explanation of technique; purpose of technique Includes ONE element: stereotypes or hypocrites; identification of technique; explanation of technique; purpose of technique 4
Creativity Includes ALL elements: colorful; large print/image; follows specific project rubric Includes MOST elements: colorful; large print/image; follows specific project rubric Includes SOME elements: colorful; large print/image; follows specific project rubric Includes ONE element: colorful; large print/image; follows specific project rubric 4

Total Score: 16 x 6 = 96 + 4 = 100

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