



A. Honest Understanding
An honest word in Arabic, meaning "as-sidqu" or "siddiq" which means true, real, or true. The opposite of this word is a lie, or in Arabic "al-kazibu". In terms of, honest or as-sidqu means: (1) compatibility between words and deeds; (2) correspondence between information and reality; (3) firmness and determination; and (4) something good that is not mixed with lies.
Honest is something that is said or done according to the reality or intention from the heart. It is mandatory for us to always be honest wherever we are. The truth in words and deeds will bring goodness to what we say and do. When we always act honestly in any case, then the light of truth will radiate into the bottom of the heart and mind. Honesty is peace of heart, meaning that people who tell the truth in their lives will feel calm, because there is nothing to hide from others.
Honest is very closely related to conscience. The word conscience itself is something that is pure and holy. Conscience always invites us to goodness and honesty. But sometimes we don't want to follow our conscience. If you don't do what your conscience says, then that's what lies is.
As for the 3 characteristics of hypocrites, namely: if he speaks he is lying, if he promises he reneges, if he is believed he betrayed.

B. Distribution of Honesty
Imam al-Gazali divides honest or true nature (śiddiq) as follows.
1. Sidq Al-Qalbi (Honest in intention or will), that is, there is no encouragement for someone in all their actions and movements other than encouragement because Allah Most High.
2. Sidq Al-Hadith (Honest in speech / oral), i.e. according to the news received and delivered. Not added and not reduced. Everyone must be able to keep his words. He did not say except honestly. Anyone who keeps his tongue by always delivering news that is in accordance with actual facts, he includes honest in speech.
3. Sidq Al-A'mal (Honest in deeds), Charity is the most important thing to achieve the most noble position in heaven. Therefore, we must always let every charity that we do. Even in da'wah, we must adjust the expressions that we convey to the people with the deeds that we do. Do not let what we say to the people is not in accordance with the deeds that we do because Allah SWT. really hate people who talk a lot but do little charity.

C. Evidence of the Qur'an About Honesty
Allah Almighty says in Q. At-Taubah [9]: 119
It means: "O believers! Fear you to Allah. And be with the righteous. "
The content of Q.S At-Taubah [9]: 119
In this verse, Allah. Show His appeal and give guidance to those who believe in Him and His Messenger. They are expected to remain in piety and expect His pleasure, by fulfilling all the obligations that He has set and avoiding all the prohibitions that He has determined, and should always be with people who are true and honest, following their piety, truth and honesty . And do not join the hypocrites, who always cover up their hypocrisy with false words and deeds and also add false oaths and reasons that are not true.

D. Benefits and Honest Wisdom
1. Easily trusted by others and known, so that all the conveniences will be obtained in his life
2. Having lots of friends and being loved by others, because everyone likes to be treated honestly, on the contrary not happy to be lied to.
3. Avoid the slander of life, because if you are accustomed to being honest, people do not easily believe, if they make mistakes.
4. Get peace and tranquility of life, because the truth is people who love and love.
5. Honesty can be a mirror of one's personality and can even be a mirror of a nation.
6. Accustomed to doing good, because honesty is part of goodness, and goodness is part of noble morals.
7. Very beloved by God Almighty, because honesty is His command, and promised heaven, because honesty encourages doing good, while goodness itself leads to heaven.

E. Examples of Honest Behavior
4. Examples of honesty at home:
d) Do not lie to parents
e) Ask permission from parents if they leave the house
f) Always tell the truth
5. Examples of honesty at school:
e) Ask the teacher if you don't understand
f) No cheating
g) Ask for permission if using goods belonging to a friend
h) Do not lie to teachers and friends
6. Examples of honesty in society:
d) Do not apply cheating when trading
e) If the promise must keep it
f) Do not take other people's belongings

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