
AMERICAN MUSIC - A Melting Pot or A Tossed Salad of Styles?



Congratulations!  You have successfully completed your Glog about an exemplary American music composer, their style of music and a specific composition.  You will have the opportunity to present your Glog to the class and explain the content of your Glog and your reasons for your choices.  Your teacher will print your Glog and assemble it in our class Journal of American Music.    After viewing all of the class Glogs, we will answer the question, "What is American Music?"  I encourage you to visit additional composer web sites and listen to their compositions. There are so many possibilities! :)  

Unfortunately every adventure must eventually come to an end.  Now is your chance to share your discoveries with friends and family at home.  Using your passport and all of the information collected during your trip, answer the question "How does geography and history influence the development of music in different cultures and time p

eriods?"  Introduce any examples or evidence you collected along the way to do so.

Recall that your final product must include text, images, and sounds, taking the form of a powerpoint presentation or video.  Once everyone has completed their project, they will be shared with your classmates, allowing them to explore destinations they didn't get a chance to visit.

Be sure to consult your rubric in developing your powerpoint/video to ensure you meet all expectations.

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