
Les voitures du futur / Cars of the future



Bravo et bon travail!

Ce projet vous a appris le vocabulaire de la voiture. Vous avez aussi r�vis� le temps du futur et travaill� votre compr�hension et prononciation orales. Vous avez �galement r�ussis � d�fendre votre c�t� de la meilleure voiture �cologique et futuriste en faisant un beau dessin et une pr�sentation orale � toute la classe.

Pour aller plus loin, je vous propose de regarder les films documentaires de 2057. Les 3 parties sont enti�rement en anglais. 

To continue learning about the car and the future of technology, I propose that you watch the videos of 2057. These are excellent film-like documentaries. Very interesting. You'll be amazed! 

2057 The Discovery Channel: There are 3 episodes entitled / Il y a 3 �pisodes intitul�s:

1) 2057 The Body   2) 2057 The City    3) 2057 The World 

Each video is about 45 minutes in length. 

I have also added some web site games on cars. 


Web Link
  • Build your own racer.
    Description: Curious looking car to create. Just for fun of course. How many tries will you need to make it to the end? Une voiture curieuse � cr�er. Juste pour s'amuser bien s�r. Combien d'essais vous faudra-t-il pour arriver � la fin?
2057 The city

Description: Part 2 in the series. 2057 The City. Imagine that the city is entirely interconnected by computers. Imagine what a computer virus would do in this kind of society. Is this where we are heading? In this series, you will also see the Moller Sky Car.

Web Link
  • 3D Speed driver
    Description: Learning how to drive? Try this game! Vous apprenez � conduire? Essayez ce jeu!
2057 The Body - Discovery channel

Description: The future 2057

Web Link
  • Create a ride
    Description: Extremely simple. You may find it amusing or not. The choices proposed are very limited.
2057 The World

Description: What will happen? World War? Robots that do the fighting? Invisible soldiers? Elevators that take us to space? Flying cars ...

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